Ambient Air Monitoring

Whatever your Ambient Air Monitoring needs, you can count on Eagle Environmental.

Eagle Environmental can assist you in fulfilling all your air quality monitoring obligations. The expertise of our team gives us full service capabilities, specifically in ambient air monitoring, gas chromatography, leak detection and repair, meteorological monitoring and fence-line monitoring. Our experience across numerous industries allows us to employ cost-effective project planning, management, applied engineering and scientific expertise to achieve solutions that meet the long-term goals of our clients.

Our comprehensive range of Ambient Air Monitoring services cover all potential requirements and ensure that your legal and regulatory responsibilities are fully taken care of.

PSD regulations mean that projects involving major industrial expansion or new construction may be subject to a review of their potential impact on air quality. This review forms part of the application for a construction permit, and requires both an assessment of existing baseline air quality and an estimate of additional pollution that could be caused by the proposed construction. If no recent baseline ambient air quality data exists, you may be required to collect up a year’s data for the regulated pollutants before you are able to submit your permit application.

And the obligations continue after construction – you may still be required to monitor air quality. If this sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is – but Eagle Environmental can prevent distraction from your day-to-day operations with our pollutant monitoring and document compliance services, as well as in-house certification, auditing, maintenance and repair of air monitoring equipment, and more.

Eagle Environmental can also assist with testing process vents for VOC emissions and fence-line monitoring. We use Automated Gas Chromatograph sampling for added power and flexibility. EPA-approved PerkinElmer® Clarus 500 Ozone Precursor Systems allow us to analyze for up to 35 different ozone precursor compounds. Our team can provide self-contained, climate controlled trailer units, and mobile enclosures for rapid and easy deployment.

Our Meteorological Monitoring services include the procurement, installation and operation of systems based on a ground-installed tower to gather data at height. Eagle Environmental can help with collection of data including wind speed, wind direction, temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and precipitation.

If your facility needs fence-line monitoring services, Eagle Environmental can also assist. We can help you to obtain data and detect airborne compounds, in order to support conclusions on levels of process chemicals originating from your specific site. Our sophisticated systems continuously monitor for VOCs, HRVOCs and other compounds, Summa canisters or other devices for sampling, allow speciation of compounds through analysis, and provide real-time communications to a base computer.

We can also conduct comprehensive environmental audits and compliance reviews. These are based on checklists that our team develops after consulting your permits or database systems. We can install, maintain and operate a facilities system to best meet your needs, arrange pick-up and delivery of canisters or sorbent tubes for laboratory analysis, and manage and provide reports of data analysis and interpretation.